Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Forget-Remember-Begin to Hope

I've made things...after I got rid of things.
I got rid of all of my plastic CD cases and opted to create CD jacket sleeves.
I used to make these quite often, back in the France days, and now that I've picked it back up, I have a whole alphabetical collection for ALL of my CD's.
They are all stocked in two cute organizational boxes on the bottom of the Neon's floorboard.
Cardstock, magazine clippings, CD album art, alphabet stickers, and packaging tape

Et voilà.
Also tonight, at the Rice Street "December House", Thomas, Faith, Brad and I all had a "Create-your-own-Pizza" Pizza Party. Twas fun ;-)
Over a period of a few days there was much debate on what pizza I would be creating, I finally remembered that there was no debate at all. 
I was to make lahmacun. And that is just what I did. 
I first learned how to make it in my Turkish Cooking classes. 
It's funny how you forget and then miraculously just, well, remember ;-)

Lahmacun sans the dressings
Anyway, I sadly didn't get photos of all the pizzas, but here are a few: 
Brad's pizza

Oh, and before I forget (because I remembered!), I bought a ring off of Etsy
Fabric button with wire
I like it a lot. 
I broke it this morning. 
That's okay cuz the only reason I bought it was to mimic it. 
I'm going to start making wire jewelry again...something that I've been meaning to remember to get back to recently. 
Begin to Hope. I've remembered some things. CD sleeves, lahmacun, and wire jewelry.

Thank God for Regina.
Laters gators-Jess

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